Friday, September 16, 2016

The Sacrifice

When they return to Mt. Judi, Og is not surprised at what he finds. All the animals were alive and taken care of, as well as a luscious vineyard, Noah, and Sham sit outside around a fire already drunk. Og joins them, after a few more hours of drinking Og brings up the notion of making a nice sacrifice for the grapes God has blessed them with. ---

Og left and came back with two animals; a sheep and a lion. Noah and Sham met him in the garden, Og put the sheep in front of Noah and gave him a knife. “When a man has only a few drops of wine he will be as harmless as a sheep.” Og explained then signaled Noah to make the sacrifice.

Noah thought about it, it seemed pretty innocent so Noah made the sacrifice. Og took the knife from Noah and handed it to Sham and placed the lion in front of him. “When he drinks a little more he will be as strong as a lion.” Og signaled Sham to make his sacrifice and he did without a thought.
Og left again and brought back two more animals; a pig and a monkey. He tried to take the knife from Sham but he resisted. “Why do you get two sacrifices?” he argued.

“Because God hates me, remember?” Noah nudged Sham to give him the knife; Og quickly sacrificed both animals without a word and began laughing uncontrollably. Noah stood quietly and uncomfortably wondering what he just witnessed.

Once Og managed to stop laughing and gain his composure he stood and lifted the pig's dead body and flopped it on the sheep in front of Noah. “When a man drinks too much he will become a beast like the pig.” With his other massive hand, he lifted the monkey’s body and plopped it on the lion in front of Sham. “If he continues to drink he will become foolish like the monkey.”

Noah stood in shock, and then his shock turned to anger. “How dare you curse my crop with your black magic!” he scowled.

Og laugh and scooped all four animals in his hands and bent down to Noah’s level. “I just hope that every time you drink your beloved wine you remember this moment and all the blood that once dripped from your grapes.” Og gently squeezed the lifeless bodies and held them up high letting the blood run down his hands and fall upon the grapes.

After the sacrifice, Og leaves to find some alone time and Michael appears to him. Old memories and promises flood Og’s mind, without hesitation Og turns around and punches Michael in the mouth. Og’s father Ramuel and Uncle Zade quickly appear to help take control of the situation. Michael gives Og the bad news about being Noah’s slave for eternity, but only because Michael needed someone he could trust on this inside.

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